CNote: This light will be shipped from our factory in China directly, it will take 7-10 business days to be delivered. It is convenient to provide the product to you as soon as possible. Please leave your mobile phone number when placing an order.
Please note: If happening a quality problem, we will supply the product again. Refunds and returns are not accepted. Please consult customer service in detail before purchasing.
【Touch switch】- The three-position light is adjustable, the switch is integrated, and the operation is convenient. The light adjustment of the switch is completed with one key.
【Dual base configuration】- Replace as required, a large base can be placed on the desktop, and a small adhesive base can be used with any clean surface.
Multi-function integration: convenient life, flexible use scenarios, rich and free use methods.
【Optional lighting direction】- The front and back lighting directions can be changed according to the use scene.
【Magnetic spindle】- Easy to take, with various functions.